Paved first layer of asphalt pavement
Rough grading of landscape areas disturbed by
Adjust manholes to final elevations
Work Anticipated to be completed Next week, June 27th
to July 1st
Perform final testing of new water main
Internal televising of storm sewer and sanitary
Installation and final grading of topsoil
The first layer of asphalt
pavement was installed last Saturday. This was a major milestone by providing a
smooth surface to drive on and greatly reducing the amount of dust along the
project site.
The contractor started
performing the rough grading and removing excess material from the job site
this week. Next week the contractor anticipates installing and grading topsoil. Sod restoration will be completed following paving of asphalt surface.
Thank you again for all your
patience and understanding as you traveled along a gravel roadway and dealt
with the dust over the past several months of construction. The asphalt
pavement was hopefully a welcome improvement for all the residents along the
street and within the neighborhood.